Max and I had our first appointments at the brand new hospital today. I'm so tired tonight and feeling lazy, so here's another 'picture post'. I don't really have the words to describe it anyway.....

Underground car park that tells you where the parking spaces actually are. I'm in love already.

Fancy signs

Fancy lifts! (if you are familiar with the old hospital, you'll know how fancy this is by comparison)

Allied Health Entrance. Oooh. Fancy.

Until you get to the reception area and realize that someone was taking the piss outta Allied Health. Hmmm Orange.

Wow. Science. The OT commented on how awesome it was. I asked her what it was and what it did.....she had no idea. Mmmmm. Science.

OT/physio rooms with outdoor play area

Max is being filmed by his OT for her PhD. Basically, he got to play with cool stuff for awhile. She is researching about how 'hemi-kids' use their arms/hands.

Since he is sprouting a new tooth, almost every day, everything went into his mouth. I'm not sure how helpful his participation in the study will be.

Sucking on the rubber lizard.

He was eventually banned from picking anything up fully.

So he cracked it and tried to storm off.

View of the outdoor play area. We didn't have time to play today. Devastated :(

This is the brand new foyer. Ministry of Magic Much?

Big, flapping butterfly. Wow art. Fancy art.

2 story aquarium!! (Note: Max with Mr Squiddy, from last weeks trip to the 'real' aquarium)

Fancy convenient store. With fancy 'not so convenient' prices.

Yep. It's an actual movie cinema.

Meercat enclosure. Yes, the rumors were true. There are Meerkats.

Waiting room, with Meerkat views.

Other part of waiting room with mini-golf garden.

He was totally stuffed by the end of the morning (and so was I).
I could say something about the use government money on extravagancies like aquariums, cinemas and meerkat enclosures, when our public health system is failing quite badly. But I won't right now. Because, I'm kinda in love with it. It is the closing of one chapter and beginning of another.
Nothing, however can top my favourite photo from the old hospital. It's our first morning waking up on the ward. I held Max in my arms, though I wasn't meant too because he was still attached to loads of machines. Together, we watched the sunrise from our room on the 8th floor. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. We would spend another 5 weeks on that ward and it's the one thing I never got sick of.

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