This is a hot topic for me at the moment because over the last week I've
Last week I 'booked' a sleep in. I booked it on Monday morning because daddy doesn't work Sunday evenings. He asked me what time I wanted to wake up, I said at least 8am. I thought I'd made it clear however that I wanted to wake up naturally, just like he does every damn day. The night before I told him how I was really looking forward to, waking up slowly, stretching, rubbing my eyes and taking my sweet ass time. But all daddy heard was '8am'. So, at 803am, daddy and Max came trudging into the bedroom *sigh*. Because daddy only hears what daddy wants to hear, in this case '8am'.
*Disclaimer: I was still appreciative of the sleep in.
I dragged my sorry butt into the kitchen and started preparing Max's breakfast. It was at this time that daddy announced he was going for a nap. Getting up at 5am was exhausting work, he said. I won't repeat my exact response, but it was something like "my darling, I always get up at 5am and I don't have the luxury of a recovery snooze". To daddy's credit, he stayed awake.
Daddy now has a full-time job, which is great. For a few months, I was the sole income earner and it sucked. I worked crappy night shift hours, because it paid better. I barely slept because I hated missing out on time with Max. I also, did most of the work around the house, because it was 'all too much' for daddy. When daddy started working, I never expected him to do much to help me- hey I may be cranky but I'm not deluded. But, not only does he do sweet f--- all, he expects a ticker tape parade for the f--- all that he does do. That alone is enough to piss me off but thenhe criticizes my parenting.......
The hours that daddy works is 3pm until midnight. One of the perks of that, is that he has been able to deal with Max during our recent 'party time at 3am' problem. For that, I am grateful. The problem with those hours though, is that he isn't around for baby bedtime and that has been a NIGHTMARE lately. He is asleep in the morning, when I'm trying to get us organized for the day and entertain Max at the same time. All I want (and I've told him this), is for him to be awake for an hour at the most so that I can organize things. Then he can sleep, all damn day for all I care. Last week, Max was teething, his moods were revolting AND he was clingy. Daddy could hear all the commotion, but did he ever get up to help?
**Disclaimer: I know that most mummy's have to do the morning rush alone because daddy has gone to work. My question is this- would mummy be annoyed if she went into the bedroom and daddy said "having trouble with him this morning are ya?"
Last Thursday afternoon, I snapped. I was such a frazzled, exhausted mess in the morning, that daddy took the afternoon off work to give me a break. Lovely. I was so appreciative, even though I secretly suspect that he just didn't want to work.
What should have been a relaxing time, was totally revolting. Max started screaming his head off & daddy tried to settle him. After a while of nothing working, I tried to gently tell him the strategies that I've found effective. Got my head bitten off for interfering.
So, I sat back on the couch and listened as the screaming continued, for what seemed like hours. I thought that this would prove to daddy, just how difficult Max has been lately.....nope. It's apparently my fault, for not having him in a strict routine (how do you propose I do that, when we have a medical/therapy appointment nearly every day???)
So, I kept sitting, trying to ignore the chaos in the other room. I tried to telepathically send him the message, "he's teething and you know that, panadol, panadol, panadol".
Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and went to get the panadol myself. We'd run out of the old stuff, so I'd bought a new bottle, that just so happened to be a different brand. And guess what? Daddy was furious that I'd changed panadol brands without telling him. Daddy was also angry that I hadn't intervened with the panadol earlier......excuse me? I thought you didn't want me interfering? I'm always trying to explain to him, the therapy exercises we are doing etc. On a good day he feigns interest for awhile, most of the time, he doesn't bother. But apparently the panadol brand is something I should've communicated.
I'm exhausted at the moment. I'm drained. I'm overwhelmed. I'm so stinking tired. And I cracked it. I was literally paralyzed by the anger. I couldn't scream and I couldn't cry, I was just too damn angry. This would be the first time in Max's life that I felt absolutely no guilt about walking away. I went straight to bed (it was 4pm) and I slept all night. I left daddy to deal with everything.
You'd think he would've learnt his lesson about pissing off a sleep deprived, frazzled mummy after that. But noooooo. A few days later, he picked me up after my night shift and declared that he was going to bed first. Turns out that he stayed up most of the night playing playstation and drinking bourbon........
Daddies totally suck, ass. Today daddy left his tracksuit pants on the bathroom floor. I used them as a bathmat.
How on earth did you reach daddies movie guide Max??
Stop Max. No. Don't figure out how to use the remote control. It'll completely destroy your father......