Thursday, 23 June 2011

Starting Physio

Because he could only look in one direction (left) we'd been instructed to put all of his toys on the right and make the left side really boring. Max had already amassed a heap of new toys since we'd arrived, so I moved all of them to the right side of his cot. It looked a little silly and lopsided, I half expected it to tip over. I'd decided to do some form of physio with him everytime he woke up. This might sound a bit harsh but baby physio is really nothing more then the normal things you'd do with a baby but just a little more structured. I didn't enjoy it initially, every physio session was a reminder of what he couldn't do anymore. He was able to move his arms and legs but he was weak on the right hand side. The most frustrating thing was those damn eyes, looking to the damn left all the damn time. I'd talk, sing, make funny noises and jiggle toys in his face, generally with no response. It was those rare times when he did glance straight ahead that motivated me to keep going. By the end of our first week on the ward we still had no answers as far as platelets were concerned but my little man was moving all of his limbs and looking me straight in the eye! I can't tell you how happy I was when he started babbling again and I swear his first 'word' was noooooo! Thes best part though came when he looked into my eyes, held my gaze and gave me a beautiful gummy smile.


  1. Good luck, Faith. Sending positive vibes your way for Max. Can't imagine how hard this must be for you. X

  2. :) He does have that "nooo" down pat! I'll be in as soon as I can xx
